Sunday, July 8, 2007

Communication Technology

The information revolution and the extraordinary increase in the spread of knowledge have given birth to a new era of communication technologies, which effects directly economic, social, cultural and political activities of all regions of the world.Technology has always been a consideration for communicators, but today, it's more important than ever. The fact is, unless you're talking about one-on-one, face-to-face communication, you probably can't communicate without employing some manner of modern technology.
Over the past two decades communication technology has greatly improved, with the advent of the opening up of the internet and related technology. This has greatly helped businesses. However, technology does not always make things easier, it may for some reason not work properly, some people may not understand how to use it, and it takes away from meeting face to face with clients and business partners.

However, technology does not always make things easier, it may for some reason not work properly, some people may not understand how to use it, and it takes away from meeting face to face with clients and business partners.

Now a days everyone uses new technology in their daily life. From surfing the web, using email, holding conference calls, and even doing video conferences, businesses are technology enhanced. The new things now such as blogs is starting to pick up in popularity, I feel that this technology is greatly benefiting companies. Before when you needed to have a meeting with your company that may be in different states, you would have to have everyone come into one location and the expenses of that could out weight the benefit of having the meeting itself. Today you can have web conferences that will save a lot of money and still get everything done.All these advances have greatly helped businesses because valuable time can be saved and in business time is money.
Over the years, Hong Kong has built up substantial competitive edge in its telecommunication sector given its sophisticated telecommunication infrastructure, open and competitive operating environment, deep technology diffusion in the community and its position as the global test-bed of new technologies. There is also a local industry presence with companies that produce advanced telecommunications products, with some 50 manufacturing firms and 900 trading firms related to the telecommunication equipment sector. The Mainland is also witnessing rapid developments in the area and has become one of the fastest growing telecommunication markets in the world. Indeed, the mobile terminal production in the Mainland is surging forward and many large-sized companies, such as Huawei and ZTE, have been engaging in the design and manufacturing of high-end telecommunications equipment.
The communication technology has changed the life of people to a great extent.The community and end-users are benefit as wireless services have improved the quality of life and enhance productivity and efficiency.

21st century trends

In this ever changing world, globalization, diversity, flat structure and networking are rapidly changing the face of the earth. These factors are interwoven with each other and cannot be separated.

Globalization means that organizations will become more and more active outside their national borders. This means that companies do not only compete nationally, but all over the world. From my point of view, a company in the 21st century can only survive if it has the ability to compete against international companies.

Diversity is the result of changing demographics and globalization of markets. Companies nowadays have a more heterogeneous workforce that they need to cope with different cultures.

Flexibility is very important for every organization to remain in the competitive world as technology is changing rapid.

Flat organizations enable discussions, decision making of employees and increasing motivation among employees. I think a flat organization can be more flexible and more competitive than an organization with more hierarchical levels, as communication is necessary to adapt to new situations.

Networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other business people and potential clients and/or customers. The best business networking groups operate as exchanges of business information, ideas, and support. The most important skill for effective business networking is listening; focusing on how you can help the person you are listening to rather than on how he or she can help you is the first step to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship.
All these factors have led to the fast growth of business. And for corporations to be successful need to tap these to the best of their benefit.



Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. Some VoIP services may only allow you to call other people using the same service, but others may allow you to call anyone who has a telephone number - including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. Also, while some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter.


The trends of 21st century has made our lives easy. Before when i had to purchase books i had to go to the book store. But know due to growth in technology many online stores like are being introduced. Now i can purchase books online .


The first and the most critical part of corporate communication function is the corporation’s image and identity. A close alignment between a company’s identity and image generates a strong reputation. A company’s identity is the visual manifestation of the company’s reality as conveyed through the organization’s name, logo, motto, products, and all other tangible pieces of evidence created by the organization to communicate to its constituencies. The image is a reflection of an organization’s identity.
Charles Fombrun, New York University professor emeritus and author of the book ‘reputation’ says that “in companies where reputation is valued, managers take great pains to build, sustain, and defend that reputation by following practices that shape a unique identity and project coherent and consistent set of images to the public”


The methods used by organization to manage the identity process:
· Conduct an identity audit
· Set identity objectives
· Develop design and names
· Develop prototypes
· Launch and communicate
· Implement the program


FedEx Corporation: FedEx Corp. (NYSE:FDX) provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. With annual revenues of $29 billion, the company offers integrated business applications through operating companies competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. Consistently ranked among the world’s most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 250,000 employees and contractors to remain "absolutely, positively" focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities.


3.corporate communication (Paul. A. Argenty)


Corporate advertising can be defined as paid use of media that seeks to benefit the image of the corporation as a whole rather then its products or services alone. A company’s marketing department typically is responsible for all product-related advertising and pays for such ads out of its own budget. Corporate advertising on the other hand, falls within the corporate communication area and either comes out of that budget or, in some cases, is Paid for by the CEO’s office.

The corporate advertisement can be classified into three categories:
· Image advertising – to reinforce identity or enhance reputation.
· Financial advertising- to attract investments
· Issue advocacy- to influence opinion
The larger corporations are more likely to have corporate advertisements. A good corporate advertisement program can clarify and enhance a company’s reputation, and the absence can hurt packaged goods companies and retailers as well. A corporate ad helps in increasing sales, creating strong reputation, attract investors, recruit and retain employees.

A corporate advertisement helps companies communicate their message to a wide audience quickly and effectively at a high speed. The major drawback is that it incurs high costs and it is difficult to measure its near-term effects on sales. Corporate advertising can be a tremendous resource in positioning the organization for future success.
Product advertising is a well-known phenomenon in marketing. A brand is a promise to the customer that goes beyond the generic product, the technical and physical attributes. When selling a branded product the company promises that the consumer will achieve special qualities by using the product, different qualities than when using a similar non branded or different branded product. A typical message from the company is “when using this product you will be more attracted, become better looking and signal a higher social class“. By using the branded product the consumer can communicate his/her lifestyle or wanted lifestyle.




Communication is information rated behavior which is a necessary life process. Communication is aptly classified into three types, interpersonal communication, machine-assisted communication and mass communication. Interpersonal communication is a one to one process where many sensory channels are used and the feedback is provided. Machine-assisted communication can be defined as communication with the help of different tools, such as a computer, mobile phone and telephone. When a sender distributes messages to more than one person simultaneously it is called mass communication.
Listed below are some of the communication theories:
Harold Lasswell explains communication theory as
“Who says what to whom in what channel with what effect.”

Shannon & Weaver’s model have focused on the noise source in communication.
Kincaids's Convergence

Many other theorists like Wilbur Schramm, Claude Shannon, Bruce Westley & Malcolm MacLean and Lawrence Kincaid have introduced their models. These models are providing a frame work to the organizations. These models are useful to offer convenient ways to think, to provide graphical checklists and to change to mass communications methods.



What is the relevance of communication for corporations? Communication is being used in every sphere of life. From the time a new born comes to life he starts communicating with others. Communication is very important factor for any corporation. These days’ corporations pay a lot of attention on communication skills of a person before hiring. To be successful in today's business environment, companies need to integrate their communication efforts. Companies today are more concerned about to get their messages across to varied internal and external constituencies. These constituencies give inputs to the organization, but they also have to accept the outputs of the organization. People in organizations typically spend over 75% of their time in an interpersonal situation; thus it is no surprise to find that at the root of a large number of organizational problems is poor communications. Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup, organizational, or external levels.
In a work setting, it is even more common since interactions involve people who not only don't have years of experience with each other, but communication is complicated by the complex and often conflictual relationships that exist at work. In a work setting, the following suggests a number of sources of noise: language, culture, interpersonal relationship etc.
Use of time can communicate how we view our own status and power in relation to others. For example think about how a subordinate and his/her boss would view arriving at a place for an agreed upon meeting.
Enterprises use annual reports as corporate communications tools to convey information related to results, processes and relationships of the enterprise. Typically, these communications occur on a yearly basis. Corporations use electronic and print newsletters to share corporate diversity hiring practices and information on new hires. Enterprises use corporate Intranets to create corporate communication platforms to formalize processes around announcing requests to supplies to submit RFPs.

To my mind, Communication is not a process or a system, it is not a mere tool to achieve change management. It is not a channel where oratory or writing skills are to be experimented with; It is none of that. ‘To communicate’ is a critical life skill. ‘To communicate’ is a critical competence in personal and professional life.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


The organizations have started to dedicate more attention to their own employees, recognizing that employees have more to do with the success of the business than any other constituency. According to the study of Watson Wyatt “the bottom line is that the employee communication is no longer a soft function but a business function that drives performance and contributes to the company’s financial success”. If the employees are not given a chance in decision making they do not identify with or feel motivated to drive their employer’s business goal and objectives, they only show up to collect their pay checks. Managers need to recognize that, if they provide information to employees and also listen to them, that employee will be exited about their work, connected to company’s vision, and they will be able to fulfill the goals of the organization.
An effective internal communication program includes :
· Communicate up and down
· Make time for Face – to – Face meetings
· Communicate online
· Create employee oriented publications.
· Communicate visually
· Focus on internal branding
· Consider the company Grapevine
The best approach to communicate employees is through informal discussions between employees and supervisors. Ultimately, effective internal communications should reinforce employees’ beliefs that they are important assets to the firm. This can happen only if management believes that is true, and if the communication effort is handled by professionals.

An internal communication system may also be good for a company as far as employee feedback. An example could be surveys posted on an intranet system, designed for employees to provide feedback about their supervisors, work environment, and other aspects of their jobs. Internal communication is a key part of communication as a whole in any organization.
Corporate Communication by Paul A.Argenti

Friday, July 6, 2007


A very important aspect for corporate communication is a company’s media relations department because as it is the department from where investors, suppliers, retailers, and consumers receive information and develop the image of a company. It is a best tool for corporate to communicate with all of their constituents. It is the responsibility of a company’s corporate communication department to maintain a good media relation. It deals with issues rather than specifically with products or services. It involves two-way communication between an organization and its public. Moreover, media relation requires listening to the constituencies on which an organization depends and then it analyzes and understands the attitudes toward and behaviors of those audiences. Only then, can organizations undertake effective public relations campaigns.
A positive relation with media by proving correct and required information helps organization create a strong public image. Organizations usually have little control over the message in the media, at least, not as much as they do in advertising. Regarding publicity, reporters and writers decide what will be said. Thus “no comments” can never be an option while talking to media. The media has the power to build organization up or knock it down.
The main goals of the media relations are to create, maintain, and protect the organization’s reputation, to enhance its prestige, and to present a favorable image. Media relation involves product public, employee, financial, community, government and political relations, consumer education, and crisis communication.

The Coors case provides an example of the importance of having the most authoritative figure respond to the media. When 60 Minutes approached Coors, the Coors Company decided to have the Coors brothers be the people on the show. Coors was facing a nationwide boycott of its products due to allegations of unfair labor practices. The Coors Company knew that this story on 60 Minutes was either going to make or break the company. The story showed Coors very positively by responding to the unfair labor practice allegations and illustrated that the nationwide boycott did not have a solid foundation. In this case, Coors used the media to its advantages and helped to repair the company’s image.


Investor relation is an essential sub function of a company’s corporate communication program. The main goal of any business is to maximize shareholders value, so they must communicate their progress towards that goal to the investing public. The national relations institute defines investor relations as “a strategic management responsibility that integrates finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance to enable the most effective Two-way communication between a company, the financial community, and other constituencies, which ultimately contribute to a company’s securities achieving fair valuation.”
The following are the key objectives of investor relations:-
· Explain the company’s vision, strategy, and potential to investors and conduit constituencies such as analysts and media.
· Ensure that expectations of the company’s stock price are appropriate for its earnings prospects, the industry outlook and the economy.
· Reduce stock price volatility.
The IR function communicates both directly and indirectly with investors. The direct communication occurs to intermediaries such as analysts, the media and rating agencies. Communication with these constituencies influence stock price volatility and in turn the firms cost of capital and reputation.


Crisis is something that everyone can relate to their personal life; it might be the death of a close relative or even a broken heart. Organizations also face crisis where huge damages are caused either due to natural disaster or human inducement. A more specific definition for crisis would be as follows ‘A crisis is a major catastrophe that may occur either naturally or as a result of human error, intervention or even malicious intent. It can include tangible devastation, such as the destruction of lives or assets, or intangible devastation, such as the loss of an organization’s credibility or other reputational damage. The latter outcome may be the result of management’s response to tangible devastation or the result of human error.’
Ray O’Rourke, the managing director for Global Corporate Affairs has characterized crisis as
- The element of surprise
- Insufficient information
- The quick pace of events
- Intense scrutiny.
Crisis that are associated with major corporations stick in the public’s mind because many large organizations lack credibility and people tend to remember negative news more then positive news. With personal computers and the internet now integral parts of the fabric of business, organizations face new challenges and the potential for crisis that they have not dealt with before.
Preparing for the crisis is the most important thing for any organization. Some of the steps involved in preparing for crisis are: 1.Assess the risk for your organization. 2. Plan for crisis. 3. Determine the effects on constituencies. 4. Set communication objectives for potential crisis. 5. Analyze the channel choice. 6. Assign a different team to each crisis.7.Plan for centralization. 8. A description of the plan.
While communicating during the crisis the organization should follow these steps:
Get control of the situation. 2. Gather as much information as possible. 3. Set up a centralized crisis management center. 4. Communicate early and often. 5. Understand the media’s mission in a crisis. 6. Communicate directly with affected constituents. 7. Remember that business must continue. 8. Make plans to avoid another crisis immediately.
Today we know crisis as pivotal times of instability where leadership and decision making can determine the ultimate outcome of the situation for better or worse. Companies can emerge even more respected in the wake of a well-handled crisis.


Listed below are some of the examples of major crisis that organizations have faced in the past 20years.
Credit processing firm Card system was hacked in June 2005.
Boeing Company’s BOD forces out CEO over a consensual extramarital affair with an employee.
Merck &Co. recalled pain medication Vioxx in September 2004 in response to a study revealing that the risk of heart attacks in individuals taking the drug.
Ford motor company recalled 6.5 million Firestone tiers in 2000 following a number of deaths.
Coca-cola issued a recall of its soft drinks in Belgium, France in 1999 after more then 200 people reported illnesses.
Procter & Gamble’s logo is linked to Satan in widespread rumors in1986.
The best way for a company to prepare there selves for a crisis is to have a plan set up with the proper chain of command set into place. This will help ease the situation smoothly.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Communication has major implication in any organization when compared to other subjects. Therefore it is necessary to implement and effective organizational strategy. The three subsets of an organization strategy are:

Determining the objective for particular communication.

Deciding what resources are available for achieving those objectives.

Diagnosing the organization reputation.

The corporate communication strategy framework includes massages, constituencies, constituency responses and corporation.

The organization has to concentrate on the choice of communication channels for the overall development of the organization, which is the most difficult job. Firm needs to consider the corporate communication efforts as manifested in the companies’ vision and mission statement.

Communication is simply a method of sending a message from one person or group of persons to another. It is of vital importance to a business because it involves all the persons and organizations connected with the business - employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, creditors, debtors - and a whole range of people outside - journalists, television reporters, tax authorities, local government and national government officials, the European Union and, indeed, any person or organization throughout the world with which the business has any contact. Good communication will ensure that all these persons and organizations understand the message sent. They will also be more likely to respond favorably to the message if it appears to be reasonable and fair to both the receiver and the business.

Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. The manager cannot get the work done from employees unless they are communicated effectively of what he wants to be done? He should also be sure of some basic facts such as how to communicate and what results can be expected from that communication. Most of management problems arise because of lack of effective communication. Chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system.



The business environment is constantly changing. Corporate communication has become essential for every company regardless of whether it is large corporation or small. Effective corporate communication is not only beneficial for the company and employees, it is also a source of stability for consumers weary. Internet, television and media have helped to shape the communication structure.
The creation of shared knowledge by the technology has created a global village.

The technology has strengthened the communication channel to modify the business environment and to compete in the challenging environment by adopting flexible strategies. Corporate communication must be closely linked to the companies overall vision and mission strategies.

Today it is easier than ever to start and run a global business. Our advanced technology has made the world shrink into one manageable market. You can sell your product to customers in Bangkok as easily as to costumers in Florida. All you need is a good product and the willingness to work hard for your idea.

Executives can communicate about anything but they can not communicate about everything. Consequently, either explicitly or implicitly, they make communicative choices, which in turn becomes the organization’s communication strategy. These choices are all the more important in times of great organizational uncertainty wrought by increased global competition, quicker cycle times and the ever-changing marketplace.
