Sunday, July 8, 2007


Communication is information rated behavior which is a necessary life process. Communication is aptly classified into three types, interpersonal communication, machine-assisted communication and mass communication. Interpersonal communication is a one to one process where many sensory channels are used and the feedback is provided. Machine-assisted communication can be defined as communication with the help of different tools, such as a computer, mobile phone and telephone. When a sender distributes messages to more than one person simultaneously it is called mass communication.
Listed below are some of the communication theories:
Harold Lasswell explains communication theory as
“Who says what to whom in what channel with what effect.”

Shannon & Weaver’s model have focused on the noise source in communication.
Kincaids's Convergence

Many other theorists like Wilbur Schramm, Claude Shannon, Bruce Westley & Malcolm MacLean and Lawrence Kincaid have introduced their models. These models are providing a frame work to the organizations. These models are useful to offer convenient ways to think, to provide graphical checklists and to change to mass communications methods.


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