Sunday, June 24, 2007


Communication has major implication in any organization when compared to other subjects. Therefore it is necessary to implement and effective organizational strategy. The three subsets of an organization strategy are:

Determining the objective for particular communication.

Deciding what resources are available for achieving those objectives.

Diagnosing the organization reputation.

The corporate communication strategy framework includes massages, constituencies, constituency responses and corporation.

The organization has to concentrate on the choice of communication channels for the overall development of the organization, which is the most difficult job. Firm needs to consider the corporate communication efforts as manifested in the companies’ vision and mission statement.

Communication is simply a method of sending a message from one person or group of persons to another. It is of vital importance to a business because it involves all the persons and organizations connected with the business - employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, creditors, debtors - and a whole range of people outside - journalists, television reporters, tax authorities, local government and national government officials, the European Union and, indeed, any person or organization throughout the world with which the business has any contact. Good communication will ensure that all these persons and organizations understand the message sent. They will also be more likely to respond favorably to the message if it appears to be reasonable and fair to both the receiver and the business.

Effective communication of information and decision is an essential component for management-employee relations. The manager cannot get the work done from employees unless they are communicated effectively of what he wants to be done? He should also be sure of some basic facts such as how to communicate and what results can be expected from that communication. Most of management problems arise because of lack of effective communication. Chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be minimized with proper communication system.


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